Barnhill Donkeys Retreat
Are very proud to be awarded
TripAdvisor Travelers choice Award
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So many people ask do donkeys end up in UK abattoirs?
Sadly they do, and through no fault of their own, click on the link below to see the trade in donkey skins, all came from UK abattoirs
Please click on the links below to see the horrific cruelty of Equine Fly Tipping
Many of the donkeys that come here have been a victim of "equine fly tipping, the link below is a baby foal that had been fly tipped with us in December 2017, that was the start of many donkeys arriving here this way.
The other link is just one of many news articles showing how cruel and barbaric equine fly tipping is, and must be stopped.
30th November 2022
Sadly this morning Pearl was giving sleep.
She was one of the bravest donkeys, she came here with a Cushing’s score of 386 one of the highest on record
She was pulled out of a ditch on the A74 having been dumped with some other ponies, presumably going back to Ireland
She had been shackled which caused arthritis, but despite all that she never gave in, it took over two years to get her Cushing’s score down to 60 where it was three months ago, should be low teens
She did put a little weight on, but Pearl was always a battler and never gave in to pain, I always said she was the one I was most proud of
Pearl was so very pretty and despite her past grew to trust people.
Sadly, this last two days her body had said enough, her heart and mind wanted to keep going but pain and her past won
Pearl was a little donkey with the biggest heart
RIP Pearl You so deserve it